Start Here: Hiking America!

Hiking America is a complete platform that brings together a wealth of information for hikers of the American Discovery Trail. This crowdsourced collection of maps, guides, and Hiker Notes is constantly updated and is a dynamic representation of the trail as it evolves and changes over time.

Start Here: Hiking America!
Hiking America's collection of tools to help you 'Hike Your Hike' on the American Discovery Trail.
Not affiliated with nor authorized by the American Discovery Trail Society®

Jumpstart American Discovery Trail Planning!
– America's 'Grand Slam' Hike!

Hiking America – a collection of tools to help you 'Hike Your Hike' on the American Discovery Trail or any of the dozens of other trails that make up the ultimate coast-to-coast cross-country trek.

Your Complete Planning Resource

  • Maps
  • Turn-by-Turn directions
  • Gaia GPS data
  • Hiker Notes from current and previous crossers

Maps and Turn-By-Turn Directions

Hiking America is the only set of Maps to the American Discovery Trail currently available - and continually updated!

Hiking America is the only set of Directions to the American Discovery Trail for the increasingly popular West Coast to East Coast journey — the original direction when the trail was blazed!

Hiking America data on the approach to California's Mount Diablo.

Each Hiking America segment includes turn-by-turn directions with matching map annotations - for an eastbound California to Delaware hike - the direction Hikanation, and later the American Hiking Society trailblazers, used when scouting the original route. In addition, "Trail at a Glance" graphics and crowdsourced Hiker Notes from previous ADT hikers give you a heads-up about what's ahead.

But I'm planning a westbound hike?
Not a problem! As with any map, Hiking America's maps make quick work of orienting yourself and your surroundings – with annotations that count you down as you progress through each segment.

Hiking America maps include hundreds of Hiker Notes – previous hiker suggestions on where to eat, sleep, camp, or pick up a resupply. Plus, whom to call in an emergency – or for publicity!

Offline Navigation with GAIA GPS*!

More than just where to turn!

In addition to our maps and directions, Hiking America can share its waypoints with you on Gaia GPS*. Currently, there are over 11,100 Waypoints – each synced to Hiking America's collection of maps and turn-by-turn directions.

PLUS additional waypoints with suggestions on where to eat, sleep, camp, or pick up a resupply. And we're adding to and updating them each week.

Comparison between The ADT Guide and American Discovery Trail Society waypoints for the same section of trail just north of Lake Tahoe.
Gaia GPS Waypoint comparison: Hiking America GPX North of Lake Tahoe (left) - ADTS GPX North of Lake Tahoe (right)
* The Hiking America Waypoints work the same in both the
Gaia GPS Free or Premium Plans!

With GAIA GPS, you can pull up the leading topographic maps, NatGeo Trails Illustrated, land ownership, weather and wildfire condition maps, and more! Easily plan for resupplies and water carries.

Always the 'Latest & Greatest'

Updates On the Fly!

When changes to the trail occur, or other hikers want to give you a heads up, re-routes and updates are pushed out to our maps, turn-by-turn directions, and Gaia GPS immediately. No waiting for "next year's edition."

Hiking America waypoints, maps, and turn-by-turn are shared and synced live through Google Docs and Gaia GPS – giving you confidence in having the latest and greatest maps and routing data available...and offline!

Join HIKING AMERICA ... and let the planning begin!

Triwa - Time for Oceans - Made from recycled ocean plastic